Can you tell we love and adore this little one!? There are NEVER enough pictures. :) This is what's new since 9 months...
The times they are a changin'! Sarah has become mobile in many ways!! Crawling champ (hopefully videos to come, ED!), starting to climb stairs, lots of assisted standing, and walking alone with toys assistance. :) Her favorite targets are cords and the cat food/water.
She is eating everything we eat. I just put our dinner in the food processor and waalah...Sarah's dinner. :) She loves bananas, strawberries, peaches, crackers, yogurt, applesauce and spaghetti, and red grapes, etc. Notice: no veggies! I need to be much better at this! She's had some teething episodes, but after the battles, fevers, runny noses and coughs she now has 4 top teeth and 2 on bottom. She uses a sippy cup and also just learned how to suck out of a straw. She eats at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pmish, 6pm and 7pm. For a couple nights while she was sick she wouldn't nurse. I thought she was weening herself and did some crying myself, but luckily she's back in the least for another month or so.
Clapping, waving hello, and giving kisses are her most common gestures. She was copying me and making the "moo-ah" sound one day when I kissed her. It was SO cute! Still loving Baby Einsteins and she's a die hard for any books! Dada and mama are her most frequent babbles. She loves attention, loves to watch other kids play, loves when I sing songs.
^ Crazy nap hair and beautiful blues! Sarah is finally napping regularly again!! She takes a nap around 10am and 2:30pm. Naps range 1-2 hours. Night sleep hasn't changed. Bed around 7pm, wake between 6-7am. She's pretty good about sleeping other places as long as it's quiet while she's trying to fall asleep. She mostly sleeps on her side and tummy now.
^Playing in daddy's newly washed scrubs. This girl has no fear. We have to be careful. She tries to dive off the couch, bed, our arms... :)
^ How can you resist tubby pics!?! No parts are showing. She loves bath time!
^Ten months going on 16 says Ed. :)
^Against Ed's will, this car will have to do for now. :) She loves to pushed in this for walks. :)