Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saint Patty's festivites

We tried to be festive on St Patty's. I admire mom's that go all out for holidays. My friend Morghan is great at this! I can't say I went all out, but I did something. :) I hid chocolate coins around the house (from a leprechaun of course), dressed the kids and I in green and made a green tinted breakfast for dinner with shamrock pancakes. :) Sorry for no pics of daddy. He was at work. :(

^If you didn't notice Kai's splotchiness in the last picture, that's why I was taking the picture. I gave him about 1/2 of a strawberry earlier in the day that he had an allergic reaction to. I know berries aren't supposed to be until age 1, but Sarah did fine. This one will have to wait a little longer to enjoy berry goodness.

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