The numbers-
Height: 2'1" (around 50%)
Head circ: 40.5cm (around 10%)
Weight: 15.6 pds(around 65%)
Developmentally Kai is turning his head all directions, lifting his head okay with tummy time. Starting to stand and sit more sturdily, grasping things for short times, playing with hands, hands in mouth a lot, starting oo's and aww's, starting to laugh, super social and smiles a lot when we talk to him, really only cries if really hungry or tired.
Sleep wise Kai is doing great! He does a 9-10 hour stretch at night, but it starts at 6:30pm. we may try and change that soon. :)
A typical day by time for eating/sleeping:
7am- Sarah wakes, eats and watches a show
7:30- Kai wakes stays quiet and just waits for me to come get him, Kai eats
8:30-10:30- Kai naps then eats
11- We do something active- walk, park day, errands
12-2 Kai naps then eats
12:30- Sarah eats lunch then goes down for a nap (if we're lucky) ranging from 1-2 hours
3- We go out again sometimes
6- eat dinner
6:30- Kai eats and goes down for bed, Sarah bath
7- Sarah in bed
7:30- After clean up- FREEDOM for Ed and I to do whatever. :)
Kai is such an easy baby!! We think it's a combo of being 2nd time parents, a boy, and hopefully we're doing something right! :) Kai is truly a joy! Sarah does great with him. We're loving his emerging personality. WE LOVE YOU KAI!
Some nicknames we call him: Boo boo, Poo poo, Kai Boo, Buddy and Mister.
sounds like the perfect schedule you have going! :)
How do you get Sarah to sleep until 7? Davis wakes at 6 and I need that extra hour since the baby came!!
You look great so fast after having Kai! He is adorable.
He is such a cutie! Love that smile. I had to laugh when I saw that picture of Ed holding Kai up by his feet-Travis does that to our babies-Easton just laughs and laughs when he does it. So cute to see daddies playing with their kids!
So cute! That's awesome that Sarah does so well with him. We've had some jealousy issues. Can't wait to see you when you!
Hey Im going private on my blog so send me your email and Ill add you.
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