I was tagged to write 7 weird facts about myself by Jenn, but 50 facts by Heather so I'll just combine them. I feel kind of weird writing so much about myself. Seems kinda excessive but here goes...hope you get to know me better. Did you know...??
1. I can probably count the number of books I've read on 2 hands. I'm hoping to fix that this year and read A LOT more!! When I was young I read babysitters club, RL stein and the american girl books...
2. I have a hard time telling people I already have plans if they call to invite me somewhere b/c I know it takes a lot of guts to invite people and I don't want to hurt any feelings b/c I know how it feels to be turned down after making the effort.
3. I am very used to having a hairy kitchen. :) I clean up very well, but my kitchen & salon are right next to each other. Ed is a good sport. I'm used to stray hairs. :)
4. I eat dessert after almost every meal. It's usually a small portion.
5. I don't own a scale.
6. I don't weigh myself often, but at the moment I'm at my goal weight, which is probably the lowest I've been since high school. I think my pant size is the smallest it's been too. I contribute it to running mostly.
7. I would like to learn to yodel. I even have tapes that I used to listen to in the car and practice. :)
8. I haven't talked to my best friend from childhood for almost 4 years, not by my choice, and I miss her dearly.
9. I love it when I empty the last of something. It means I didn't waste. If that makes sense.
10. I enjoy organizing over and over again. I enjoy cleaning (from my mom). They give me a sense of accomplishment.
11. I am the Faith in God specialist for my ward. I'm not so nervous about the kids as I am about the adult teachers watching me in primary. :)
12. I have lived in 5 different apartments in the last 3 1/2 years, and lived in 5 different states.
13. I started to love running after moving the CA the first time and still enjoy running most with the girls who got me into it. Thanks gals! XOXO
14. I am the biggest baby when it comes to bugs. Hate them. Wont kill them. It's the worst being on a boat at dusk and not being able to get away from them.
15. I have had a Franklin Covey day planner since high school and still love it. It's like my brain.
16. I obsess about my teeth moving and being crooked b/c my retainer doesn't fit anymore after having braces for almost 3 years. I push on my teeth.
17. I wish so bad that I was in the habit of flossing. I truthfully only floss a couple times a month. I KNOW...horrible!!
18. I have Kashi with fruit for breakfast, yogurt with grapenuts for a snack, almonds, and a turkey sandwich for lunch most days.
19. I have always loved animals. I am very passionate about getting into a job with animal assisted therapy. I have 2 kitties Auzi & Nimbus.
20. I know I married the best man for me. I love him. I have no doubts. Every day I think about how lucky I am to have him...even if I complain sometimes.
21. I used to compare myself to all my high school friends and always felt like the bigger girl. Now I can say I am completely comfortable with the person I am even if I am bigger than someone. I love my body and it definitely helps that Ed makes me feel beautiful.
22. I hate strict diets, cleanses. I don't see the use in the short term restrictions. Just watch what you eat, how much of it, when you eat it, how frequently, etc.
23. Sugar is definitely my drug.
24. I love to see the patterns in the carpet after I vacuum.
25. I love spending time with my family.
26. I am somtimes too thrifty where it gets ridiculous. I hate wasting.
27. I was raised to recycle and I still do.
28. I have never had stitches, broken a bone or been admitted into a hospital...besides when I had Sarah. I feel very lucky for this.
29. I had a 3 hour labor, and my baby natural (not by choice), but feel kind of cool, strong b/c of it. :) Unfortunately the labor was so fast poor daddy couldn't make it there.
30. I am the youngest of four. I am the youngest sibling in Ed's family. He is the oldest in mine. :)
31. I used to play the piano somewhat well, but now I don't have a piano and have definitely lost most of my talent. It will take a lot to get it back. I am not a good sight reader and I always play too fast.
32. I always wanted to be able to dance and sing.
33. I feel so blessed to have been raised Mormon. I can think of so many blessings that have stemmed from my membership.
34. I am so blessed to be a mother. There is nothing more beautiful than my baby girl. There is no sweeter sound than Sarah's laugh. I love her and her cuddles.
35. I run about 4-5 miles with Kaylynn at 6:30am any morning Ed gets to go in a little later, and longer distances on Saturdays.
36. I sometimes randomly have dreams about my first boyfriend. Ed also does about his first girlfriend. Nothing romantic like, and only since we've been married. Weird.
37. I have some road rage, Ed does too and his includes a lot of honking and sometimes the stare down. :)
38. I hate to admit that I usually know nothing about what is going on in the world. :( I should really start watching the news or reading the paper.
39. I was in a pageant once. :)
40. I am naturally athletic. I have run 2 marathons, 1/2 marathon and done 2 sprint triathalons, among some 5k's, etc. More to come! :)
41. I have dishwasher placement down to a science. I can get so many dishes in. :) And they all come out clean.:)
42. I'm starting to go organic, but will never take it to the extreme.
43. I have had really bad eczema breakouts since I was little.
44. I have expanded my palate, thanks to the friends who have introduced us to the diverse food CA has to offer.
45. I had my mission papers pretty much in...and then I met Ed. He swept me off my feet and has treated me better than any.
46. I do not have a college degree yet, but am completely determined to get it. I'm a licensed cosmetologist for now. :)
47. I have the same routine for Sarah every day. We're working on getting out more, but she sleeps great as a result of staying home. We read books, go for a walk, watch baby einsteins, play in exersaucer, have floor time, bath time, 6 meals and bedtime. :)
48. I used to sleep with my makeup on every night, but since I have been married I always take it off.
49. I used to like water, but now my showers are warm and short, my hot tub time is limited and I don't like the salty ocean...all because of my skin.
50. I like to keep in contact with anyone I have ever met. I'm interested in their lives...your lives. :)
I know this will be a super long post, but I have to write some things down about Ed since I know he won't accept my tag. :) Too much about me. This is OUR blog. :) Correct me if I'm wrong dear. I'll just write what comes to my mind. The big things in your life. Some things you may not have known about Ed...
1. Ed used to be a roady for the Rolling Stones.
2. Ed used to go climbing all the time with his brothers and misses it.
3. Ed used to work in a cow heart lab. That's how he got started in the medical field.
4. Ed used to be the president of Encore, the singing/dancing group at the U of U.
5. Ed served a mission in South Africa, held a lion cub, caught a pig, helped penguines and was kind of like a gyno on his mission. Long story.
6. Ed used to be the director of a non-profit organization called IFCA. A foundation for children with aids. Kind of how I got to know who he was.
7. Ed was a manager at the Lion House and personally served the prophet Gordon B. Hinckley and his wife.
8. Ed used to do wedding videos.
9. Ed is the gospel doctrine teacher and 2nd counselor in the Sunday School presidency.
10. Ed was the president of institute? right babe?
11. Ed taught himself how to play the piano and then wrote music and recorded it.
12. Ed was part of an a'capella group called D8's.
13. The most hours Ed has worked in one week is 99 hours.
14. Ed is the 4th of 5 kids.
15. Ed doesn't like butter, cream cheese, cheese, or sour cream.
16. When Ed was little he was playing underdog with a family swing (the ones where you sit across from each other) and totally scalped himself. He was a cone shaped scar on his head.
17. Ed's favorite sports to play are tennis & volleyball. In highschool he was on the swim team.
18. Ed loves cars!He had a bullet bike. We just sold his Honda Rebel Motorcycle last summer. I really miss it. I'm sure he does too.
19. Ed loves his job and is great at it.
20. Ed is a great husband and dad.
I tag Kristen K., Andrea H., Mindi, Nikki and Jen M., Kira, and Kari.
Here are the rules.#1 Link to the person that tagged you.#2 Post the rules on your blog.#3 Share random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.#4 Tag seven random people at the end of your post.#5 Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.