The stink bug pose. Sarah is still sleeping from 7pm to 6-7am. She usually has 2 naps varying 30min-1 1/2 hrs.
She has started to get super clingy. Definitely a first! (Especially to mama) We are loving the hugs!!
^Lots of babbles. "Mama, and Dada are a given, and "hi" is her newest word. :) Most common gestures are clapping and waving.
^Happy as can be! Everyone comments on her happy disposition.
^More ice cream!! We can't make this a habit. She'll be just like her mom. :)
It was so fun getting to see you while you were here! We wish you would hurry up and move back :) Almost 1! Crazy. She is so dang cute!
It's so crazy seeing all the things Sarah is doing so much the same as Gracee! It's almost trippy! haha! Gracee sleeps in the same stink bug position... it's her fave :)
Sarah's still as cute as ever!
It was fun to see you, hope you come back soon for good hehe oh ps Cohen started to crawl a little bit more, I am super stoked!!
I love your updates on Sarah. You are so detailed and I love it! I bet you guys have been having a lot of fun with her.
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