Sept 1-
^I found this picture in Sarah's bag after church. She drew a picture of our family having sacrament. I love these little surprises. I love the chandelier and the trays of bread and water. And that the 3 kids are blondies and the parents are brownies sitting on a bench.
Sept 2-
^The little house is finished! Well...almost!

^Meet our- neighborhood band. We still need a name. Legal Ivory? Crossing Guards? We'll find one. :)
From left to right: Steve (Bass), Jason (Lead Guitar), Lindsey (Singer), Ed (Drums) and Mike (Guitar, Keyboard and Singer).
Jason is already part of a band and heard that some others' liked to play and got us together. Ed is a self-taught drummer and has always loved to jam. I haven't really ever sang in public, but like to sing, so I figured why not? We practiced a few times and played at our Labor Day BBQ in front of our house. Lots of neighbors came for food and entertainment. We're not perfect, but good enough and we have fun. That's what's important, right? Kaylynn and Brook happened to be in town and came to support too! So fun!
^Little snippet from Kaylynn's phone.
Sept 4-

^Kai started 4 yr. old preschool. Kai makes us smile and scream a little. :) He is total boy. He is so ready for school and starting to listen and learn much better. It's going to be a great year for him! Love you Kai!
Sept 6-

^We let all those peaches ripen a little longer and then mom came out and taught me how to can them.
^Food storage is packed! "Millions of peaches, peaches for me, millions of peaches, peaches for free."
Sept 7-9

^We went to a condo in Midway with Ed's family for the weekend. Lots of hanging out. Just the way it's supposed to be. Clubhouse, tennis courts, the kids rode scooters, I went for a run and met up with Kira, we took naps, got yummy shakes, painted nails, ate, sat on the hammock, played games, and the men golfed. Family is duty, but relationships grow when you commit to spend time together, and relationships, I'm learning, are more important than anything else in the world. :)

^Silly kids and beautiful views!
^The men golfing.
^Harman Family (missing Chris, Jaimy, Reese and Devon. New baby coming in March! Congrats Nicole!)
Sept 9-12

^A few hours after we got home from Midway I took my brother's kids for a few days while they were on an anniversary cruise.
Sarah-6, Avery-5, Kai-4, Zachary- 3, Tanner- 19mo, Madison-18mo.
Full house! But they all played great! Meal times (color coding dishes helped) and bed time was the craziest, and Ed had a busy work week, but we managed and even got out to the park a little the last night. :) We did hair, rode bikes, changed multiple diapers;), and watched movies. Fun to get to know our cousins a little better.
^Kai and Zachary
^Madison has decided to try out tantrums pre-2 yrs old. Glad she has some fight in long as it doesn't last too long.
The cousins left Thursday evening. Ed left Friday to speak in a Tahoe Conference. Whew! He did great as always.
Sept 14-

^ Hauling 3 kids around is still difficult for me, but you do what you have to. We took Sarah to a gymnastics assessment and then took Kai to his first T-ball practice. He is excited. Madison was tired apparently. ;)
Sept 15-

^Ed got home from Tahoe and we were supposed to leave to Bear Lake a few hours later. He ended up having to work Monday, so I drove up with the kids on my own.
The views were beautiful!! Every time I drive to Bear Lake I feel like I should have a cabin there or something. The beauty is out of control!
Our neighbors, the Parker's invited us to go with a couple other families in the neighborhood. Their cabin has no TV and it's right on the lake. Perfect setting to get to know each other better. :)
Sept 16-
^I needed to get my 18 mile training run in while we were there. I got up early and ran 8 miles and then Michelle and Stef joined me for the last 10. Support means the world to me! Thanks ladies! It was kind of freaky running in the dark alone in the morning, but as soon as the sun rose the amazing beauty and views didn't disappoint. And we ran in 2 states. :)
Sept 16-17
^The pictures will show what we did the whole time! There's lots of toys at the cabin! Thanks Mike and Jodi!
Sarah was a die hard! She was pretty fearless! She loved being out on the water. She tried knee, boarding, tubing, paddle boards, ski's...!
Ed wake boarded and I water skied (for the first time in about 5 years).
^All the kids/adults helped with Madison. :) Kai slept multiple times on the boat. Weather was great the first day, and iffy the next couple days, but we got out plenty!
^I think fun was had by all! The kids love the water, the mostly self entertained and got along great! Such fun variety!
^We love boating! Love the lake!
^We ate well, ate lots of junk food, played games, killed flies, and Mike played some guitar while we all sang along. Fun memories created and friendships strengthened. Once again, relationships are where it's at! Thanks again Parkers!!!
^Another one of my favorite things to do... thanks for facilitating Mike. :)
Sept 18-
^Since I drove up Sunday night with the kids, Ed rode the motorcycle up Monday. Meaning we had to drive home separate. I hate driving! Makes me too sleepy. Kids did okay. Madison found some good positions and didn't sleep the whole drive.
Sept 19-
^The storage room is ready to start taking storage bins! Carpet down. Much more organized. Brings me joy! Well done Edward!
^Kai is lovin' T-ball and looks so cute! :) Little cub.
Sept 20-
^Finding new places to play. Cutie.
^Sarah got to go party at her cousin Elle's. These two couldn't make it home before they snoozed. Sleeping kids are the best!
Sept 22-
^Our teeny bopper is now in nursery! She has no reserves, loves it, and continues to be a happy baby. She looks so little compared to all the other kids. There will only be a few kids in with her in the new year. She's still in size 12 month clothes, but acts like such a big girl. Love her.
^More beautiful harvest from the yard.
^I took the kids to the park to play. I'm sure these moments will pass quicker than I want them to. I took some pictures to help me remember their cuteness. Even if parenting can be difficult, I love my kids more than anything. They are so cute.
Sept 23-
^I had to get in my 20 mile training run. Blah! But I love taking pictures of the views I come across. Andrea was my savior for this! She and Stef ran the first 5 miles and then Andrea also joined me for the last 6. :) TGFF!! Thanks Andrea for pulling me through! Means the world!
Auzi loves to snuggle. She'll take a warm lap any day. I let her sometimes. :)
^Me, Cami and Mom went to dinn for Cami's bday. Family girl time. :) Love you Cami!
Sept 25- I headed to CA for my last hair trip. :( Michelle so kindly let me stay with her and do hair in her kitchen. Did a few clients in the evening.
Sept 26- Full day of clients. It was closure that my time is over in CA when only Michelle and I showed up for Pinkberry girls night.
Sept 27- Full day of clients
^ I got to see Kaylynn and Jaimi for dinner and dessert. Kaylynn and I got a little one-on-one which I love. I've always called her my therapist and personal fashion consultant/supplier. ;) Special friend.
Sept 28-
^Nobody to run with me this trip, but I got in a great 10 miler on my favorite Steven's Creek trail. :) Then a full day of clients.
^I missed out on my sweet niece, Elle's baptism, but Ed was able to support and made an amazing baptism video everyone raved about. :) Congratulations Elle!
^End taught Madison a new trick while I was gone. :)
^I was able to go to RS Conference with Michelle after all the hair appointments ended. Successful trip. 24 clients total. Thanks Michelle for being so sweet and accommodating! :) We straightened her hair for the first time since college. ;)
^Then Rebecca picked me up for an ultimate girls night. :) We checked into a hotel, got dinner and dessert of course;) and then talked far into the night. I love catching up. I feel so lucky to have such kind-hearted, caring, giving, quality friends that are so supportive and wonderful in so many ways. Not sure how I lucked out. The sacrifices they make for me mean the world!
Sept 29-
^In the morning we headed to brunch, and then checked out Rebecca's house construction before my flight. We always eat well together. :) Crepes always hit the spot! Rebecca, you are a treat!
Farewell CA! :( I've been lucky to have such hospitable friends and loyal clients. I'll miss it for sure! Hopefully I can still keep in contact with the many friends still there. Special place in my heart. Flights are just too expensive to keep it up. Come see me in UT! ;)
^Madison in all her cuteness on the way to family dinner.
September was a busy month!! Chaotic at points, but busy with friends and family- which is a good thing. Rather be busy than bored. Lucky to be surrounded. I don't do well alone. Now the wonderful season of Fall awaits!! :)
Next vacay: Iowa. :) I miss you.
I LOVE seeing these updates. You get up to so many fun things! Those kids are more adorable all the time. I can't believe how tiny Madison is compared to Lauren, and she's older. We just gave away all the 18 month size clothes Lauren already outgrew!
Thanks for doing my hair! It was great to see you, and to feel fabulous and pretty before getting our family pictures taken. Keep in touch!
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